
Photo courtesy of Paul Huddy


Type: Dredge
Size: 175'
History: Not much information is available on the Lobster Wreck. In fact, the identity of the Lobster Wreck wasn't known for certain until August of 2000, when Brian Tate of Wilmington, NC found a manufacturer's plate on a winch he salvaged from the wreck. The plate was from the Ellicott Machine Company of Baltimore, Maryland. The company is still in business and after some research, matched the contract number on the plate to the winch that was installed on the Porta Allegra, built in 1908 with a 20-inch cutter. There are no records after the sale indicating that the Porta Allegra sank or if the winch had been moved to another dredge. (Courtesy of Paul Huddy, www.nc-wreckdiving.com)


Experience Level: Intermediate
Depth: 125 ft.
Visibility: Generally 70-100 feet
Summer Temperature: 78-82 degrees

Dive Notes: The Lobster Wreck is home to an abundance of tropical fish, as well has hog snapper, lionfish, and- you guessed it- lobster. It's a smaller wreck, and can covered in a single dive. The engine, boilers, anchor, and cutting head are prominently featured.

Additional Info


Lobster Wreck video